
Intergenerational minority language educational organization that addresses issues of climate change, seeds, carbon sequestration and nature awareness through the use of S.T.E.A.M camps
Mandate : To offer minority language women, gender non-conforming people and youth, hands on agricultural training and workshop opportunities in the Brome Missiquoi region.

Coming in 2025

Mission: Offer S.T.E.A.M based camps that focus on farming, seeds, gardening, food sovereignty through nature's lens. We believe that youth are essential in generating ideas for the future and create safe space for their voices to be heard.
Vision: that all people, regardless of their bio region (rural, periurban & urban) have access to stimulating and useful skills that empower their knowledge about food, healthy soil and healthy water.
Our promise: To promote Indigenous ways of farming through hands on workshops with teachers from various communities, who share their knowledge in safe spaces with respect for their cultures. We offer free training for clients who are patrons of the Montreal Friendship Centre, PAC and the Inter-Tribal Youth Center

2024 offer

Living soil
Women who farm

Working with the soil

Indigenous support

Our organization works with individuals from First Nation communities to ensure that we decolonize our relationship with the seeds, soil, water and ourselves. We also work towards rematriation of seeds through sharing our stock with communities that wish to receive them. Our reconciliation work is a lifetime initiative and we are lucky to have such incredible support.

Contact us

We will be releasing our camp information next winter 2025 so don't miss out and share your email to get on our mailing list