Cleome Spider Flower
- 150 seeds
- Open Pollinated
- Distance between plants - 12-18"
- Full sun +
- Water every 1-2 days at first and then once established 2-3 days
- Maturity - 80-90 days
- Germination - 10-15 days
- Height - 4-5'
- Cleome hassleriana
- Germination rate - 80%
Grown on the farm, we grabbed it from Teri Chanture at the seed swap table during the SSE conference in Corvalis OR. A Beautifully tall plant that makes a great border wall.
Plant: Indoor on the surface of your soil 2 weeks before last frost or direct seed after last frost has passed.
Harvest: All season long. Leave some flower heads to dry back and they will drop their seeds.
Semences produit: Le Noyau