Jasmin Scented Nicotinia
- 150 seeds
- Open pollinated
- Distance between plants - 18-24"
- Distance between rows - 30"
- Full sun
- Water every 2-3 days
- Days to maturity - 75 days
- Days to germination - 10-14 days
- Height - 2-4'
Grown on the farm, this beautiful tobacco plant gives off an incredible jasmin smell at dusk and dawn. A great re-seeder, this annual plant can pass diseases to other plants such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes & eggplants. Original seeds are from High Mowing.
Originally from South America, this plant is a gem to have in the garden as it releases its incredible smell all afternoon and into dusk. The flowers attract moths and this is how pollinisation happens. Very easy to grow and a beautiful addition to your garden.
Sow: Start indoor 2 to 4 weeks before last frost
Harvest: The flowers and leaves are sticky. They don't make good harvesting flowers.