Reisenstraube Cherry Tomato
- 40 seeds
- Indeterminate
- Open pollinated
- Distance between plants- 24-36"
- Full sun
- Water every 1-2 days
- Maturity - 80-90 days
- Germination - 6-10 days
- lycopersicon pimpinellifollium
- Height - 3-4'
Grown on the farm, this compact bushy German heirloom cherry (1800) is very productive and great for city growing. Original seed from Jason Lahue, Frelighsburg, Qc.
Really prolific cherry tomato plant that kept on giving many many tomatoes. A lot of multi-layered flowers. A German heirloom that came to the U.S. in 1850 and landed in Pennsylvania.
Plant: Inside 4-6 weeks before last frost at least 1/8’’deep. Transplant 2 weeks after last frost.
Harvest: : 80 days & when fruit is plump and ripe.