Santo Coriander
- 75 seeds
- Open pollinated
- Distance between plants - 8-10"
- Distance between rows - 12-18"
- Full to part sun
- Water every 3-5 days
- Days to maturity - 50 days
- Days to germination - 10-16 days
- Height - 12-24"
- Coriandrum Sativum L. Apiaceae
- Germination rate
Grown on the farm, we love this versatile fine herb in latin, asian and indian cooking. It is a great pollinator plant that attracts all sorts of insects and thrives in half shade. The original seeds are from Les Jardins de l’Écoumène, QC.
Sow: Direct seed after last frost ½’’ deep.
Harvest: As the leaves mature and are ready to eat
Companion : Caraway, eggplant, potato, tomato, fruit trees.
Incompatible – Fennel
Diseases and pests : Coriander repels harmful insects such as aphids, spider mites and potato beetle