Cockscomb and Flamingo Feather flowers
- 200 seeds
- Open pollinated
- Distance between plants - 18-24"
- Full sun
- Water every 2-3 days
- Days to maturity - 90-120 days
- Days to germination - 10-14 days
- Height - 18-24"
- Celosia argentea
- Celosia cristata
What a pleasure it is to have these flowers growing on the farm. The original seeds came to us from our local CSA farm basket Coop
Pied de Céleri, a farm I know well as I worked there. They have a cut flower section to their basket offer and at the end of the season I guerrila harvest the left over deadhead seeds. I have been growing them out for 3 years now on the farm. Such a beautiful showy ocean of colors.
Sow: Start indoor 2 to 4 weeks before last frost, transplant out after last frost. Seeds that have fallen can and will reseed themselves.
Harvest: All season long while the flowers are healthy.