Sulfur Cosmos Flower
- 100 seeds
- Open pollinated
- Distance between plants - 6"
- Full sun
- Water every 3-4 days
- Days to maturity - 50-60 days
- Days to germination - 7-10 days
- Height - 2-4'
- Pollinator
- Cosmos sulfureux
Grown on the farm, we love this incredible pollinator flower that attracts all sorts of insects. The flower is edible and will reseed itself. The original seeds were obtained by a client who shared them with me in Frelighsburg, Quebec.
Sow: Direct seed 1 week after last frost in well drained soil ¼’’ deep
Harvest: All season long during flowering. Leave some flower heads for re-seeding
Cosmos plants can withstand heat and drought conditions. The flowers can bloom twice in one season - at the beginning and at the end.