Indian Strain Tomatillo


An Abenaki ground cherry variety from Vermont from Fred Wiseman’s project – Seeds of Renewal.

They are small bright yellow fruits, almost orange, which hide in an “envelope” whose texture looks a bit like paper. The physalis are part of the same family as the tomatoes.   Ground cherries have a very fine and delicate taste, sweet and at the same time tart.

12 in stock


Indian Strain Tomatillo

  • 60 seeds
  • Open pollinated
  • Distance between plants – 24-36″
  • Full sun
  • Water every 1-2 days
  • Days to maturity – 90-100 days
  • Days to germination – 10-14 days
  • Height – 3-4′
  • Physalis ixocarpa
  • Germination rate – 80%

Grown on the farm, this Mexican/Central American heirloom is a staple in their local cuisine but a newer addition to North American plates.  A very prolific plant, the tomatillo will produce a copious amount of small plum sized fruit that are delicious in chutney, salsas and cooked in meals like tofu or meat.  The plant takes up alot of space so make sure you give it room or put it somewhere that will not shade out other plants around it.

We originally got these seeds from Brenda Goudreault from Huberdeau Québec and her Jardin Écologique.  She is a Quebec seed saver who decided to close up her operations and shared a huge variety of seeds with a whole bunch of seed farmers here in Quebec.  Thank you Brenda!

Indoors:  Start 3-4 weeks before the last frost and transplant out after last frost has passed.

Harvest: Harvest when the husk around the fruit is dry and brown.  This variety is more yellow and purple.

Seeds produced: Le Noyau farms


Additional information

Weight 0.002 kg
Dimensions 8.255 × 0.3 × 11.43 cm


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